Monday, June 1, 2009

Remaining In Him Though Discipleship

There is often a different standard of holiness presented by the Church at large today. But when one reads their Bible apart from that standard and instead focuses on The Almighty's they will find that God really is unchanging and His word really is unchanging and has the exact same relevance for modern day believers in Messiah as it did for the children of God in the days of old. God calls us to a different standard of holiness... HIS standard. Fortunately for us we have a real living example of what living that standard looked like. His name was Jesus of Nazareth. He is our Master and if we are truly His disciples, our walks and our lives will naturally mimic His.

This week Captain Don Sheppard takes us through a refreshing journey of scripture to rediscover what it really means to be remaining in Messiah through Discipleship.