Well unfortunately here at the corps we had a mishap during the sermon. We didn't realize that a very crucial cable adapter was unplugged from mixer resulting in a dead silent sermon recording. Dead silent sermon recording = no podcast. So we here at the Pendleton Corps would like to apologize for this mishap and promise you that it will hopefully never happen again. On a much better note, we would aso like to let you all know that we were packed at max capacity on Sunday. The photo that you see shows just how many people were actually here! But what's really cool is that after taking this picture about twenty more people trickled in. By the end of the service we were at about 120-130 bodies crammed in a space that comfortably seats 85. So for those of you who were here on Sunday, tell your friends, parents, family, pets, and anything else that has breath to come to the Salvation Army next Sunday and praise the Lord and learn more about Him with us!